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Integrated Justice Management system

A major US state suffered from an inconsistent understanding and implementation of Integrated Criminal Justice Information System. Overcoming known deficiencies, and improving several critical agency systems was a priority.

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In Brief

solution overview

One of the key deliverables was a strategic roadmap and project execution process for the ongoing development of statewide criminal justice policies and information systems. The strategic plan included a series of critical path projects across governance, agency data sharing standards, technical infrastructure, application development, unification of disparate data sources, and ongoing support for criminal and non-criminal justice business needs.

Impactful Results

The strategic roadmap and project execution process guaranteed that all known deficiencies would be addressed as the project went along

  • Lack of fingerprint-supported criminal history records
  • Poor interoperability with national programs
  • Deficiency in critical infrastructure
  • Inter-agency communication issues
  • Solution Capabilities

    The solution roadmap was developed to address the known challenges and issues.



    Preventing unauthorised access to data, that can misused in various ways

    Opportunity to tap into national systems and avoiding duplication of effort

    Ensures that infrastructure deficits do not reduce the impact of projects

    Builds more trust among various agencies involved, leading to better cooperation, and collaboration

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