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Essential ERP facts before making a buy

Essential ERP facts before making a buy

March 23, 2021

ERP or Enterprise Planning Software solution is greatly beneficial to businesses of various types and sizes. ERP Software is an integrated software and mainly focuses on streamlining the diverse business processes to improve the operational efficiency and have effective control on key performance indicators like inventory carrying cost, Average Collection Period (ACP), Cash Flow, Customer Acquisition cost (CAC), etc. Cloud-based ERP systems have gradually stolen the spotlight in the market during recent developments, which is truly a great opportunity for SMBs who may not be able to afford the one-time expense of a standalone software license.


While purchasing an ERP system, maximum utility across different departments, simplicity, and a user-friendly application must be the key parameters that need to be taken into consideration for evaluation. These lightweight ERP software systems may also require lesser onboarding and training needs.

The process of choosing the Best ERP solution for Small Business can be a little complicated and riddled with complex customization requests. Our recommendation for the SMBs would be to adapt to the best practices of a standard ERP system rather than bending the system to our needs. Adopting the standard product will also have additional benefits like- Quicker implementation, faster realization of benefits & reduced costs.

Some of the reasons why SMBs should consider using a cloud-based ERP application (rather than an on-premise model) to manage their business includes-

  • Cost –

Cloud-based software comes as a relatively lower cheaper upfront investment, with predictable costs over time and as an added benefit, it requires no additional hardware investments as well.

  • Support –

Unlike in On-premise software, which requires constant IT support and regular backup, the entire implementation, management, and maintenance process will be handled by us when you opt for Cloud-based ERP system.

  • Security –

Cloud service providers take complete responsibility for the application and database security. We can leverage economies of scale to provide security beyond what the client can own and implement.

  • Implementation time –

As it is a COTS – Commercially Off the Shelf product, best practices are incorporated a part of the product. In the Cloud model, the approach is “Client Adoption to the Standard Product”. Hence no Customizations are entertained and hence the Implementation time is less.

  • Scale –

Cloud service providers offer scale of services very quickly and at a very competitive cost. The application can be made to scale quickly either horizontally or vertically and the customer need to pay only the incremental charges.

  • Compliance –

Cloud service providers have dedicated teams of skilled staff for compliance who readily meet and maintain the compliance requirements of the clients. 

  • SLA-

Lastly, restoration and meeting the defined SLA’s are the responsibility of the cloud service provider. And ensure high availability of the application. Customer does not have to worry about Backup, Disaster management etc., which address one of the major concerns of the SMB organizations.

The future generations have grown up around seamless technology that is ever-developing in multiple platforms and is always-on. It is only logical for companies to implement Cloud-based ERP systems in their business to catch up with the future and embrace these developments with ease, as they come. 

Xmplar’s latest CREST ERP Software fits all the above needs of a business. If you are an SMB and are looking to implement a cloud-based ERP solution, then look no further and. CREST ERP will be a best fit for you.

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