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General Trading & Distribution

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General Trading & Distribution businesses is a volume-game. Players in this space focus on inventory management and collections, to remain profitable

Industry Snapshot

General Trading Industry Solution:
Key Features

Our Trading and Distribution solution helps our customers to be nimble, efficient and competitive. With features that are both easily understood, and easy to use, they can run their businesses and expand, with fewer people. For larger networks with a number of outlets, our web point-of-sale will be a big boon.

Automation for efficiency

With repetitive business activities that deviate little, this business can leverage the benefits of process automation, that CREST ERP brings in. Zero room for error, guaranteed process completion.

Know what to sell

Rich data helps traders know item-wise sales margins on a continuous basis. Revise prices,or buy cheaper, where feasible.


Avoid stockouts and excess stocks

Set inventory levels and let purchase orders be generated based on them. Use CREST ERP’s data to review the stock levels and revise them regularly. Avoid stockouts, keep customers happy. More important, don’t let excess stocks burn a hole in your pocket!

Implementation Highlights

General Trading & Distribution businesses are often caught in market swings, finding themselves left either with excess inventory, or shortages. These businesses need to be very agile to stay in the game

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